Al Falamanki recently organized a campaign to clean up the beaches of Raouche, one of Lebanon’s coastal treasures.
The cleanup drive is one of the company’s key CSR initiatives, reflecting its commitment to environmental conservation and protection of Beirut’s coastline from the threat of marine and seashore pollution.

Al Falamanki cleaning beaches
The restaurant’s staff embarked on the day-long activity, joined by the management and marketing teams, to clean the beach area and remove waste and unwanted debris that pose hazard to the environment.
The team managed to fill up almost two trucks worth of debris and garbage that had been littered in the water and on the shore front.
“We proudly support the beach cleanup initiative as one of the many ways we show our commitment to protecting the environment,” said Mario Jr. Haddad, restaurateur and managing partner of Al Falamanki, who participated in the initiative. “We would like to encourage individuals and organizations to embrace such environmentally-friendly practices, and working together to mitigate the environmental impacts will help us all by making the communities in which we live cleaner and healthier.”

Al Falamanki cleaning beaches
Al Falamanki is inspired by the story of Khalil Al Falamanki, decorated with Khalil’s old ouds, his traditional “tarabish” hats and other elements retrieved from his private collection, matching the décor to their traditional dishes.
Commenting on the effectiveness of this campaign, a resident in the Raouche neighborhood applauded Al Falamanki for launching the initiative and leading by example.
“Such initiatives will instill in other establishments a culture of volunteerism and a sense of responsibility towards the environmental health of society.”

Al Falamanki hopes to do these cleanups on a regular basis, seeing it as a great team-building exercise at the same time. Having recently opened a new branch in Raouche, they’ll be keeping the seafront clean and tidy.
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