Simple Ways to Relax at Home

by LBTAdmin

In the midst of Lebanon’s ongoing challenges, it’s essential to find moments of peace and practice self-care. Whether you’re seeking comfort at home or looking for ways to escape for a brief moment outside, here are some simple yet effective ways to de-stress and relax during these trying times.

1. Create a Calm Space at Home

With uncertainty outside, it’s crucial to have a peaceful refuge at home. Dedicate a corner of your home as a quiet sanctuary. Fill it with soft lighting, candles, or greenery to create a soothing space. In times of crisis, even a small, calming environment can help center your thoughts and reduce stress.

2. Practice Deep Breathing and Meditation

When tensions run high, turning inward can bring relief. Spend a few moments each day doing deep breathing exercises or meditation to clear your mind. Apps like Calm and Headspace offer easy-to-use mindfulness exercises that help release anxiety, especially when the news feels overwhelming.


3. Digital Detox and Mindful Screen Time

Constant updates on Lebanon’s situation can add to feelings of helplessness. Limit exposure to distressing news by setting screen time boundaries. Dedicate certain hours of the day to check updates, and spend the rest engaging in uplifting content whether it’s a podcast, book, or movie that brings you comfort.

4. Reconnect with Loved Ones

The Lebanese spirit is known for resilience, but even the strongest need support. Call or video chat with loved ones, especially those living abroad who understand the shared pain of Lebanon’s struggles. Emotional support and shared conversations help remind us that we are not alone in our grief and hope.

5. Try Gentle Exercise or Yoga

Physical movement is an effective way to relieve stress. Gentle exercises like yoga, stretching, or even taking slow walks around your home can ease the body’s tension. There are many online yoga classes you can follow at home, offering a mental escape while keeping your body active and balanced.

6. Indulge in a Creative Hobby

In moments of crisis, creativity can offer solace. Whether it’s drawing, painting, writing, or knitting, allowing your mind to engage in artistic activities helps you process emotions and provides a therapeutic release from stress. Creativity often allows us to express feelings that are hard to articulate.

7. Prepare Comfort Food

Cooking is another therapeutic activity that not only nourishes the body but also comforts the soul. Prepare your favorite Lebanese dishes, bringing back memories of better days. The familiar aromas and flavors can provide warmth and a sense of security, helping you feel grounded in difficult times.

8. Escape with Music or Podcasts

Music has the ability to heal, providing an escape when everything feels overwhelming. Listen to calming music, nostalgic songs, or podcasts that bring new perspectives or humor to your day. The ability to mentally disconnect, even for a few minutes, can make a world of difference.

9. Pamper Yourself with a Home Spa Day

Treat yourself to a self-care ritual by transforming your home into a spa. Run a warm bath, light some candles, and indulge in simple luxuries like a DIY facial or hand massage. Caring for your body amidst chaos reminds you that you deserve comfort, even in the hardest of times.

During challenging times in Lebanon, it’s essential to find solace in the small things. By creating spaces of peace, reconnecting with nature, and embracing moments of joy with loved ones, you can protect your mental well-being and foster resilience, no matter what the world throws your way.

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