Gathering more than 300 youngsters from 17 countries, LEBolution witnessed a successful second edition last month.

LEBolution Event
LEBolution is a ten-day touristic, cultural, social and humanitarian event in Lebanon organized by the Youth of the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCUY) for young Lebanese descendants from all over the world to reconnect with their motherland. Founded in 2015, the event takes place every two years and includes a number of fun excursions and activities across the country.
During this year’s edition, which took place from 21-31 July, 2017, the participants were taken on trips to the Shouf, Baalbeck and Bekaa Valley, Byblos Area, Tripoli and North Lebanon, Saida and South Lebanon. They also enjoyed a day in Bourj Hammoud, where the Municipality of Bourj Hammoud held a special reception for them in the main square. Lebanon’s Minister of Tourism, HE Avedis Guidanian, was also present to show his support for the initiative to encourage the Lebanese to visit their country.
Interestingly, of the 300 young men and women of Lebanese origin who came to Lebanon, 90 percent were visiting for the first time and did not speak any Arabic. Perhaps after spending ten days here though, they’ll be back to learn a few more words!