On the occasion of the 100 years of Greater Lebanon, the second edition of “Draw me a Cedar” was held at la Résidence des Pins on September 2. We pick 15 of our favorite items from the event.
A number of Lebanese creatives took part in the second edition of “Draw me a Cedar,” an exhibition organized by Green Cedar Lebanon to support local artists and the Lebanese Food Bank. The event was a big success and many of the items sold out.
Here are just some of the beautiful items available for purchase.
Le Coeur du Cèdre Bat Encore, Vous L’entendez by ALIA MOUZANNAR
Le Cèdre Prisonnier by ALINE FATTAL
L’envol du cèdre by ANACHAR BASBOUS
Keep Dancing by CAROLE INGEA
La Porte de la Résidence by CAMILLE TARAZI
L’esprit d’un Cèdre, CHUCRALLAH FATTOUH
Layers of Resiliency by DORI HITTI
Beirut, Forever in our Hearts by HALA BARDAWIL MORETTI
My Lebanese Cedar Tree by HICHAM GHANDOUR
Threads of Pride by IWAN MAKTABI
Make your choice by JOE FARAH
Find my Cedar by KAROLINE LANG
Evergreen by LAYAL KHAWLY
Pixelated Cedar by MICHEL ABBOUD
Golden Lebanese Cedar by RAWIA GHANDOUR ZANTOUT