Lebanon’s hospitality sector — one of its most vital — is currently under threat. Here’s how you can help.
Al Falamanki, Raouche
Contributing over 10 billion USD to the Lebanese economy, equating to 19 percent of its GDP, the hospitality industry is arguably the backbone of the country’s economy. It directly employs over 200,000 people and more than 350,000 others indirectly.
However, the industry started suffering in 2019 due to the economic paralysis in Lebanon, and the current COVID-19 pandemic has only made matters worse. Hundreds of businesses have closed down, causing tens of thousands of job losses — as many as 50,000, in fact. What’s even more worrying is that the industry risks witnessing an unprecedented domino effect to the entire F&B supply chain as bills go unpaid.
With the extension of the nationwide lockdown, business owners are finding themselves with stock that cannot be used, staff they cannot pay and empty cash registers. And with no financial aid to mitigate the repercussions of the situation, the future looks bleak.
Ferdinand, Hamra
In collaboration with the Syndicate of Owners of Restaurants, Cafés, Nightclubs & Pastries in Lebanon, independent hospitality businesses have launched the #SaveLebaneseHospitality campaign to highlight the issue as well as the steps to be taken to help salvage the sector.
Though the power of action ultimately lies in the hands of our country’s leaders, we can do our bit to support the campaign by signing the petition.
For more information on the proposed action plan, visit savelebanesehospitality.com