Sarah’s Bag gives new meaning to corporate social responsibility by empowering both downtrodden women and their craft. An accessories label that is less known outside of the Middle East but something …
Art, History & Culture
Lebanon’s appeal goes beyond its beautiful landscapes. It is a country steeped in history and heritage. Here, Elissar Baalbaki Eid, head of the TourGuides Syndicate, tells us more about the country’s …
While numerous towns and cities across Lebanon are revered for their historic landmarks, there are many rural attractions that are relatively unknown to the public. Karim Sokhn, founder of online travel …
Basket making is rooted in Lebanese tradition. We discover more with the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism.
Kassem Abu Ruslan has been working with wicker his whole life. His specialty? Chairs. We go back to the source to learn more about this beautiful craft.
Award-winning social enterprise, 2B Design brings life back to Lebanon’s dying heritage. Down a Jeitawi side street in Beirut, a traditional Lebanese home houses a small atelier. Past an old iron …
Over the years Joseph Matar, a poet and artist, became very close friends with Farid Serhal, a member of parliament for Jezzine, and witnessed Serhal building his dream palace. Here, we …
Against a stark white backdrop, vibrant works of art invade every corner of Août, a beautiful new gallery in Gemmayze, Beirut. We speak to its founder, Zeid El Amine, to learn more …
Beirut has long played muse to painters, designers, poets, writers, sculptors and musicians, who have traveled from far and wide in search of inspiration.