In the picturesque village of Rachana, located in the hills above Batroun, artist Anachar Basbous has brought Mohtaraf Anachar Basbous to life. We learn more about this intriguing art museum in …
Art, History & Culture
It’s festival season in Lebanon, and we couldn’t be more excited about it! From music to art, this list is all you need to start planning your summer. 1- Baalbeck International …
Considered the Middle East’s art hub, Beirut continues to amaze us with its creative output. Whether you’re a collector or an enthusiast, these exhibitions deserve your attention. Be sure to check …
Situated on a hill in the Arnoun area, Kalaat Cheiif, also known as Beaufort Castle, stands tall, a witness to Lebanon’s history from the Middle Ages until modern times.
In a world full of chaos, we all need a little peace and quiet. Take a look at these five charming spots in Beirut where you can enjoy a good read, …
For almost 30 years, the Al Bustan Festival has been wowing audiences with its rich cultural program of performance art, which is largely put together by a talented team of women.
Today in Serepta, more commonly known as Sarafand, a sleepy village in southern Lebanon, one family is determined to keep the ancient tradition of glassblowing alive.
Arabic, a Semitic language, dates as far back as 3,000 years. With more than 300 million speakers around the globe and 22 countries classifying it as their official language, Arabic is …
Inaugurated in October 2013, the MiM museum of minerals has brought something truly unique to the country’s cultural scene. This state-of-the-art institution houses the private compendium of minerals accumulated by Lebanese …