We caught up with the president of Les Plus Beaux Villages du Liban (The Most Beautiful Villages of Lebanon), Maguy Khoubbieh Kostanian, to learn more about the association and its upcoming “Villages Without Borders” photography exhibition at Rebirth Beirut.
What can you tell us about Les Plus Beaux Villages du Liban?
Our association was launched in 2016 for the love of culture, beauty and authenticity. As our name suggests, we aim to promote the beautiful villages of Lebanon in order to better preserve them.

As an association, how do you define a beautiful village?
A beautiful village is undoubtedly one that has all the right attributes in terms of built and natural heritage, as well as on the human level. The title “Les Plus Beaux Villages du Liban” has thus been awarded to some 60 Lebanese villages, which have been able to preserve their unique heritage despite the absence of a strategic action plan and a lack of resources, both human and financial. We thus hope to make the inhabitants, and the Lebanese in general, aware of the value of their heritage and to emphasize the need to act for their preservation and development based on a responsible and sustainable tourism approach.

What can people expect from the upcoming photography exhibition “Villages Without Borders”?
Although centered on Lebanon, our association also values international exposure and meets other peoples and other cultures through the federation of The Most Beautiful Villages of the World, which brings together countries that adhere to the same values of sustainable development and heritage, namely France, Italy, Spain, Wallonia, Japan, Switzerland, Russia and Saxony. The exhibition “Villages Without Borders” stems from an exploratory tour of villages in the Guilin region, established along the banks of the Li Jiang River in southeast China in September 2020. We were invited there by the The Most Beautiful Villages of China and toured their villages. When we returned, we had the idea of organizing an exhibition to give meaning to our trip.

From these mysterious landscapes, so different from those of Lebanon, we retain an ingrained culture and an authentic rurality that we find in all the labeled Lebanese villages. The title of the exhibition finally takes on its full meaning and gives substance to our commitment, one that transcends cultural boundaries.

Group photo in China
The exhibition itself, which is held under the patronage of the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon, includes 57 photographs taken by Eddy Choueiry and Joy Homsy, who are both members of the NGO. We chose to collaborate with Rebirth Beirut as we wanted a real partner more than a platform. We share similar values and passion for our country.
“Villages Without Borders” runs from July 7 until July 13 at Rebirth Beirut, Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh.