“Jardin Stellaire” by Michel Chidiac at Cheriff Tabet Gallery
Michel Chidiac, an accomplished interior architect, draws inspiration from diverse sources to infuse his artwork with passion and precision. With a portfolio spanning exhibitions from Paris to Beirut, Chidiac’s latest showcase, “Stellar Garden,” represents two years of meticulous craftsmanship.
The title, “Stellar Garden,” hints at the otherworldly atmosphere Chidiac cultivates, where viewers are encouraged to immerse themselves in contemplation and introspection. Feedback from viewers is valued as a reflection of their own experiences, underscoring Chidiac’s humility and dedication to his craft. His work transcends mere visual appeal, resonating with a universal language of beauty and emotion.
In Chidiac’s artistry, the canvas becomes a portal to boundless possibility, where light and shadow intertwine to evoke a sense of wonder and awe. As visitors wander through his exhibition, they are reminded of the transformative power of art to elevate the human spirit and transport us to new realms of imagination. Through “Stellar Garden,” Chidiac invites us to explore the depths of our own creativity and embrace the magic inherent in the act of creation.
‘Stellar Garden’ Galerie Cheriff Tabet